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One Page
for All of Your Constituent Needs

Our team works to ensure the resources and services available across state government are accessible to our constituents. We are available to advocate for constituents with colleagues at state agencies, and while we cannot compel an agency to make a particular decision, we will work to ensure that your inquiry is understood and that constituents receive a timely and fair response. 


We work with all state agencies such as Department of Unemployment, Department of Revenue, Department of Transitional Assistance, Housing and others.

All Hands In

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Please be sure to enter your email address accurately; inaccurate email address entry may lead to delays in our team receiving & responding to your submission.

Connect with Senator Robyn Kennedy's District Team

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Meet our District Director, Kayanna James

Kayanna James is a Worcester native. She graduated from Rhode Island College with a BA in Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience and is currently a dual degree (MPA/MAAP) candidate at Suffolk University. Currently she is Chair of the City of Worcester Status of Women Advisory Board, Board member of the YWCA and Chair of their Public Policy Committee and a member of the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women. Kayanna is a participant in the 2022-23 Leadership Worcester class and a RPCV, serving in Guinea West, Africa.

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